Understanding depression and getting serious about recovery take a lot of searching. Reading is one of easiest tools to use, and the classic books in this highly personal list may help you get started. They have opened my mind to dimensions of healing I had never before paid much attention to. In particular, the five […]
My Top Books for Understanding Depression and Recovery – 1
Every list of top books on depression is highly personal, and mine may be more so than most. I’ve left out several of the standards you’ll find in other lists and added others that cover far more than this one condition because they’ve helped me make progress in recovery. They’ve deepened my understanding of healing […]
10 Top Movies about Depression and Bipolar
Posts reviewing movies about depression are consistently among the top pages visited on this site. That fact surprised me, though I suppose it shouldn’t have. For all the insight I gain through reading, I connect instantly with a good dramatic portrayal of someone struggling with emotional pain and dysfunction. It’s encouraging to discover more and […]
7 More Movies about Depression
My ongoing search for movies about depression is turning up a long list of great dramas. Here are seven more of my favorites. Melancholia This extraordinarily beautiful film is the relentless portrayal of a depressed woman set against a background of the approaching end of the world. After alienating most of those close to her, […]
Recent Posts on the Storied Mind Newsletter
If you haven’t yet subscribed to the Storied Mind Newsletter, I’d like to give you a glimpse of the posts you’ve been missing. Each week the newsletter has a new one, but you can only read it if you subscribe by email. These posts are not published online. Each one responds to a reader question, […]
Resources for Acceptance and Mindfulness
Before getting into my experiences with acceptance and mindfulness, I wanted to mention the specific psychotherapies and self-help resources I’ve been working with. I’m no expert in this field, but I’ve learned a lot even from my limited exposure to the key methods and practices. I’ve become most familiar with four therapies that have been […]