My latest ebook, Depression Present Tense, is now available at Amazon and the other major online retailers. Like Surviving Depression Together and A Mind for Life, it draws together a number of posts from Storied Mind and weaves them into a book to capture the immediate feelings, sights, sounds, terrors and joys of living with […]
Storied Mind Ebooks Ready to Go!
Well, it took a little longer than I expected, but the two Storied Mind ebooks are now available at most of the major online sites, including Amazon, Apple iBooks, Kobo, B&N Nook and a lot of others I’ve only recently discovered. All the formatting of the old PDF versions had to go, and I dropped […]
On Writing a Recovery Ebook
Even though I’ve written a great deal about recovery from depression, when I decided to pull my experiences together in A Mind for Life ebook, I ran into a lot of problems. It’s so much easier to write about the miseries of the condition when it’s controlling your life than about the slow, stumbling process […]
“A Mind for Life” Ebook Is Now Available
I’m happy to announce that A Mind for Life, my ebook on recovery from depression, is now available. Unlike many recent books about how to deal with the illness, this one focuses on the inner work of change rather than medical treatments and experience with antidepressants. It may not be for everyone, but it captures […]